
Men’s Group

Maybelle Center

Men's Group meets every Thursday in the Meditation Room. 

 It’s a time to share our story and learn from each other’s life experiences.


Women’s Group

Maybelle Center

Women's Group meets every Friday in the Meditation Room

This is a weekly spiritual and social support group. It is an inclusive space where women can gather to share stories and each other’s company in a supportive and welcoming environment.


Street Books

Maybelle Center

Check out a book or two without worrying about fees, fines, or having an address.



Maybelle Center

It's Bingo Time! Join us for a few rounds. It's one of our most favorite parts of the week. 
Every Friday morning from 10:00 to noon you'll find us in the Community Room shouting BINGO!


Member-led Activities

Maybelle Center

Do you have a special skill or interest that you would like to share with other members? Maybelle Center would love to present the opportunity for members to explore each other’s interests in a group setting.

Wildwood 2024

Maybelle Center

Join your Maybelle Center friends on our annual Mt. Hood excursion on August 22nd. The day will include nature hikes, yard games, art, scavenger hunt, picnic lunch, and a t-shirt.



Maybelle Center

It's Bingo Time! Join us for a few rounds. It's one of our most favorite parts of the week. 
Every Friday morning from 10:00 to noon you'll find us in the Community Room shouting BINGO!


Rainbow Group

Maybelle Center

A safer space for LGBTQIA2+ members to support each other, get involved, and celebrate Queer JOY!